Treatments & Costs

Private Treatment:


New Patient Exam £40
Adult check-up exam £30
Children’s exam (age 5-16) £10
Children’s exam Under 5Free
New emergency appointment exam£40
Emergency appointment exam£30
Cosmetic consultationFree
Simple X-ray£5 per film
OPT X-ray £35

Oral Hygiene & Periodontal Care

Scale and polish with dentist £35
Periodontal treatment From £75


Silver amalgam £80 - £120
Tooth coloured composite £90 - £160

Root Canal Treatment

Root Filling (incisors, canines) £175
Root Filling (premolars)£225
Root Filling (molars)£300

Minor Oral Surgery with DWSI

Consultation £40
Routine removal of toothFrom £120
Surgical removal of single tooth (other than wisdom tooth)From £180
Routine Removal of upper/lower wisdom teethFrom £180
Surgical removal of upper/lower wisdom teethFrom £240
CoronectomyFrom £230
Apicectomy (incisor/canine/premolar)From £350

Dental Implants

Consultation (30 minutes) £75
Single Tooth ImplantFrom £2200
Full Arch ImplantsFrom £12,000
Bone graftingFrom £450


Full/Full Dentures From £550
Partial Acrylic Denture From £350
Cobalt Chrome Denture From £750
Valplast DentureFrom £650
Enigma Cosmetic DentureFrom £650


Silver Metal Crown From £350
Gold Crown From £550
Metal Ceramic Crown From £350
Emax CrownFrom £450
Zirconia CrownFrom £450


Porcelain-Bonded From £350 per unit
Emax/Zirconia From £450 per unit
Maryland Bridge From £395


Emax/Zirconia/Porcelain From £460 per tooth
Composite veneer From £200 per tooth
Composite edge bonding From £125


Orthodontic consultation Free
Orthodontic examination£75
Quick Straight Teeth (Both Arches) £3000
Invisalign (2 arches) £2800-£3300
Invisalign (1 arch) Price on consultation
Essix retainers From £140
Bonded retainer £100 per arch
Smile makeover package (Invisalign, Whitening, Bonding, Retainers) From £3,500
Vivera retainers (3 sets) £300


Lumiwhite Lux Whitening £280

NHS dental treatment charges :

Band 1 – course of treatment
This covers an examination, diagnosis (eg X-rays), advice on how to prevent future problems, a scale and polish if needed, and application of flouride varnish or fissure sealant.

If you require urgent care, even if your urgent treatment needs more than one appointment to complete, you will only need to pay one Band 1 charge.

Band 2 – course of treatment

This covers everything listed in Band 1 above, plus any further treatment such as fillings, root canal work or if your dentist needs to take out one or more of your teeth.

Band 3 – course of treatment

This covers everything listed in Bands 1 and 2 above, plus crowns, dentures and bridges.

Treatments & Costs

Private Treatment:


New Patient Exam

Adult check-up exam

Children’s exam (age 5-16)

Children’s exam Under 5

New emergency appointment exam

Emergency appointment exam

Cosmetic consultation

Simple X-ray
£5 per film

OPT X-ray

Oral Hygiene & Periodontal Care

Scale and polish with dentist

Periodontal treatment
from £75


Silver amalgam
£80 – £120

Tooth coloured composite
£90 – £160

Root Canal Treatment

Root Filling (incisors, canines)

Root Filling (premolars)

Root Filling (molars)

Minor Oral Surgery with DWSI


Routine removal of tooth
From £120

Surgical removal of single tooth (other than wisdom tooth)
From £180

Routine Removal of upper/lower wisdom teeth
From £180

Surgical removal of upper/lower wisdom teeth
From £240

From £230

Apicectomy (incisor/canine/premolar)
From £350

Dental Implants

Consultation (30 minutes)

Single Tooth Implant
From £2200

Full Arch Implants
From £12,000

Bone grafting
From £450


Full/Full Dentures
From £550

Partial Acrylic Denture
From £350

Cobalt Chrome Denture
From £750

Valplast Denture
From £650

Enigma Cosmetic Denture
From £650


Silver Metal Crown

Gold Crown
From £550

Metal Ceramic Crown
From £350

Emax Crown
From £450

Zirconia Crown
From £450


From £350 per unit

From £450 per unit

Maryland Bridge
From £395


From £460 per tooth

Composite veneer
From £200 per tooth

Composite edge bonding
From £125 per tooth


Orthodontic consultation

Orthodontic examination

Quick Straight Teeth (Both Arches)

Invisalign (2 arches)

Invisalign (1 arch)
Price on consultation

Essix retainers
From £140

Bonded retainer
£100 per arch

Smile makeover package (Invisalign, Whitening, Bonding, Retainers)
From £3,500

Vivera retainers (3 sets)

Teeth Whitening

Lumiwhite Lux Whitening

NHS dental treatment charges :

Band 1 – course of treatment
This covers an examination, diagnosis (eg X-rays), advice on how to prevent future problems, a scale and polish if needed, and application of flouride varnish or fissure sealant.

If you require urgent care, even if your urgent treatment needs more than one appointment to complete, you will only need to pay one Band 1 charge.

Band 2 – course of treatment

This covers everything listed in Band 1 above, plus any further treatment such as fillings, root canal work or if your dentist needs to take out one or more of your teeth.

Band 3 – course of treatment

This covers everything listed in Bands 1 and 2 above, plus crowns, dentures and bridges.